Cancer Dies When You Eat These 8 Foods. Start Eating Them Today!

It has been scientifically shown that cancer is much easier to prevent than cure. However, whether you have a risk of cancer running in the family or you are battling the disease, diet can make a huge difference in helping you fight it off.  Just like some foods are shown to increase the risk of cancer, others are known to boost immunity and keep cancer at bay. This means that making the right dietary choices can go a long way in protecting your health and fighting off diseases like cancer.Below you have a list of 8 foods which both prevent and help kill off cancer cells. Check it out!

1.      Garlic

Garlic is an excellent source of allicin, manganese, copper, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and sulfuric compounds, all of which boost immunity and improve body`s ability to protect itself from cancer. Garlic is also able to reduce tumor growth.

Several studies suggest that increased garlic intake lowers the risk of certain cancers, such as breast, colon, pancreas, esophagus, and stomach cancer.

2.      Artichokes

According to clinical trials done in 2011, extracts from edible parts of artichokes negatively affect breast cancer cells. In other words, cancer cell movement and invasion were found to be “remarkably inhibited,” proving the cancer-fighting properties of artichokes.

3.      Broccoli

Cruciferous veggies are abundant in nutrients, such as fiber, folate, carotenoids, minerals, and vitamins C, E, and K.

It has been scientifically shown that they have the ability to stop cancer`s development in various organs in rats and mice, including stomach, lung, colon, liver, breast, and bladder.

4.      Citrus Fruits

According to Australian researchers, regular consumption of citrus fruits lowers the risk of mouth, stomach, esophageal, and throat cancer.

5.      Salmon

Wild salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D, a vitamin which is said to block the development of blood vessels which feed on tumors.  It also inhibits the proliferation of both precancerous and cancerous cells.

6.      Apples

The fiber found in apples ferments in the colon, which in turn stimulates the production of chemicals which fight off the formation of cancer cells.

It has been scientifically shown that procyanidins, an antioxidant found in apples triggered cells signals which lead to death of cancer cells.

7.      Cabbage

Cabbage is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C as well as phytonutrients like thiocyanates, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

According to the George Mateljan Foundation, cabbage contains anti-cancer properties and it is one of the best preventive measures against this debilitating disease.

8.      Dates

Moderate consumption of dates provides a wide plethora of health benefits, such as preventing damage from free radicals, preventing coronary heart disease and stroke, as well as preventing the development of pancreatic, prostate, colon, lung, endometrial, and breast cancer.

Note: Following a diet high in fiber helps prevent digestive system cancers such as colorectal, stomach, pharynx, and mouth cancer. Good ways to boost your fiber intake is by swapping white rice for brown one, snacking on popcorn, eating fruits like pear and banana, having a baked potato along with the skin, and eating fresh carrots, celery, or bell peppers with a hummus.
