Celery Reduces High Blood Pressure, Cleanses Kidneys, and Relieves Arthritic And Gout Pain!

Celery is a member of the same family as fennel and parsley. The white variety is grown from direct sunlight, meaning that it contains less chlorophyll than its greener counterpart.  The celery ribs are quite crunchy and are typically used to make salad or soup.  Given that it has salty taste, celery goes well with sweeter fruit juices.

Nutritional Benefits

Celery leaves are packed with vitamin A, while the stems are great source of vitamins like B1, B2, B6, and C as well as minerals like iron, phosphorus, calcium, folate, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and various essential amino acids.

The nutrients in the fiber are released during juicing, promoting healthy bowel movements. Sodium present in celery is an organic one, which makes it ideal for salt-sensitive individuals who cannot stand table salt which is quite detrimental, particularly for those suffering from hypertension.

Although most foods are deprived of great deal of their nutrients during cooking, most of the healthy compounds in celery withstand high temperatures well.

Health Benefits

Celery has been linked with lowering blood pressure levels. When mixed with other juices, it provides formula which helps treat other conditions.

It has been scientifically shown that celery might be an effective tool for fighting cancer, too. The list of celery`s benefits is quite extended, but here are some of the best:

1. Acidity

The mineral content of this veggie balances body`s pH levels and neutralizes acidity.

2. Athletes

Celery juice serves as ideal post-workout tonic because it helps restore lost electrolytes and hydrates the body with its high mineral content.

3. Blood Pressure

As already discussed earlier, celery contains organic sodium which helps reduce blood pressure rather than increase it. Regular consumption of celery juice notably lowers blood pressure levels, most probably due to the compound called phthalide, which relaxes the muscles around the arteries and promotes normal blood flow. For optimal results, drink the juice for a week, make a 3-week break, and start over again.

4. Cancer

Celery contains up to 8 different anti-cancer compounds, including acetylenics, which inhibit the growth of tumor cells; phenolic acids which stop the action of prostaglandins which stimulate tumor growth; and coumarins which prevent free radicals from causing damage to the cells.

5. Cholesterol

Celery juice has been shown to lower total cholesterol and bad cholesterol ( LDL).

6. Colon and stomach cancer

The aforementioned coumarins prevent both the formation and metastasis of colon and stomach cancers.

7. Constipation

Celery acts as natural laxative which relieves constipation safely and in an all-natural way. It works by relaxing the nerves which have been overwhelmed by man-made laxatives.

8. Cooling

Drinking a celery juice every few hours is one of the best ways to cool down and normalize body temperature on a dry and hot day.

9. Diuretic

Sodium and potassium present in celery juice help stimulate urine production and regulate body fluids, which makes celery an important tool to remove excess fluids from the system.

10. Inflammation

Celery contains polyacetylene, a compound which relieves inflammation of all kinds, such as gout, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, and more.

11. Urinary stones

Thanks to its diuretic effect, celery juice helps dissolve and eliminate urinary stones and gallstones easier.

12. Weight loss

Celery juice is a great weight loss tool as it helps reduce unhealthy cravings.

13. Nervous System

The alkaline minerals present in this veggie calm the nervous system,  so celery juice is ideal for those suffering from insomnia.

Consumption Tips

Choose green celery with firm ribs. Keep it in a sealed container or a plastic bag. Avoid leaving it at room temperature for an extended period of time as it wilts quite quickly.


Celery produces its own pesticide which protects it from fungi. It is called psoralens and it causes skin problems in some people.

In addition to this, some people with low blood pressure complain that celery makes it even lower, so be careful.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com

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