How to mix beets and celery to lower blood pressure

If you were looking for a natural way to heal yourself, with no side effects and additional health risks, look no further. It all begins with one vegetable, the celery!  This veggie is quite versatile and it can be used in many different ways!

It has a few characteristics which promote healthy blood pressure. They are as follows:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids
  • Potassium
  • Phthalides
  • 3-n-butylphthalide (NBP)
  • Apigenin (plant-based antioxidant)

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-6 fats prevent hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure.

Potassium is of utmost importance since it regulates blood pressure levels and triggering the heartbeat.  Celery is a solid source of potassium, which stabilizes fluid levels in the body.

Phthalides contain diuretic properties, ably flushing out excess salt from the body which may raise blood pressure.

As reported by Dr. Michael Murray writes in his book How to Prevent and Treat Diabetes with Natural Medicine, NBP acts like calcium channel blocker, dilating arteries and relaxing blood vessels.

Last but not least, apigenin prevents blood clots, lowers inflammation in the arteries, and it prevents cell damage.

Additional Benefits of Celery

  • Prevents constipation thanks to its high water content as well as the fiber it contains in large quantities
  • Helps prevent and treat cancer
  • Prevents dementia
  • It relieves pain caused from gout and arthritis
  • It lowers cholesterol levels and keeps them in check
  • Relaxes and soothes the muscles, mostly due to its magnesium content
  • It is packed with the good soluble fiber
  • Calms the gastrointestinal tract
  • Celery is ideal for weight-watcher as one large stalk contains as little as 10 calories. Feel free to add to most of your dishes, such as stir-fries, soups, salads, and many more
  • It reduces inflammation, which makes it ideal for those suffering from asthma, lung infections, acne, and the aforementioned arthritis and gout
  • It works as an amazing stress-reliever and helps you calm down! Its mineral content soothes the nervous system and it helps you sleep better
  • It contains good salt, which is natural, organic, and essential for the overall health

To reap its benefits and use it to lower blood pressure, you can either eat 8 ribs of celery on a daily basis or  take celery seed extract which is standardized to have 85 percent 3nB and celery phthalides at the dosage of 75-150mg, twice a day.

Recipe for Blood Pressure Lowering Juice


  • 2 stalks of celery
  • ½ beet
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 carrots
  • ½ green apple


Juice all the ingredients and serve. As simple as that!

Note: Do not stop taking blood pressure medication without your doctor’s consent. Consult your doctor about adopting a more natural approach.


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