Say Goodbye to Facial Hair for Good With These Simple Homemade Recipes

The facial hair is a common and an irritating issue. And we all want to remove the unwanted hair. It is usually a sign of imbalanced hormones, thyroid dysfunction, and heredity. Luckily, there are a wide range of natural and homemade remedies which can help you get rid of the facial hair once and for all. Hence, we decided to present you some of the most powerful homemade solutions.

Gram Flour and Turmeric Mask

This mask is extremely effective for removing the facial hair. All you should do is combine 2 tablespoons gram flour and ½ tablespoon turmeric powder in a bowl. Then, add some warm water and mix well. You should apply the mask to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Finish by rinsing it off with fresh water.

Green Gram Powder and Rose Water Pack

This face pack is very effective in removing the unwanted facial hair. In order to prepare this pack, you should mix 2 tablespoons green gram powder and 1 ½ tablespoons rose water in a bowl. Then, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice. You should apply the paste to your face and let it dry. Next, start rolling it in the opposite direction of hair growth. Repeat the treatment every two days.

Lemon and Honey Pack

You should combine 1 tablespoon honey and 1 ½ tablespoons lemon juice. Then, apply the mixture to the areas of the face where you want to remove the hair. You should massage this mixture into the skin for 2-3 minutes and let it dry for 30 minutes. Finish by rinsing it off.

Papaya and Turmeric Paste

You should use raw papaya for preparing this remedy. So, take a raw papaya paste and add ½ tablespoon turmeric powder to it. Then, apply the paste to your face and massage it for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse it off. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Egg Mask

This is another great homemade solution for removing facial hair. You should use one raw egg and add 1 tablespoon sugar and ½ tablespoon corn flour. Then, add them to a blender and make a thick paste. Next, apply the paste to the face, leave it to dry and pull the mask off.


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