3 nutrients that prevent fatal heart attacks that nobody talks about

A heart attack is an obstruction of an artery which is a crucial pathway for blood to be carried throughout the body.  It happens in a matter of seconds, and it changes everything in an instant.

There are over 735,000 heart attacks annually in the U.S alone, 15 percent of which ended fatally. With this being said, it`s a good idea to gain some understanding of its symptoms, since rapid medical attention is the key step for survival.

How Does a Heart Attack Happen?

While it happens in a matter of seconds, heart attacks don’t come out of the blue. As a matter of fact, it takes a lot of time of damage within the body to cause a heart attack.

The arteries are designed to run smoothly and allow a proper blood flow around the body. Every moment we have been alive, our blood is moving freely throughout the system. Once it stops, it causes as an extremely serious problem.

An obstruction begins with damage to the wall of an artery. There are many different causes of this damage, including inflammation, low antioxidants, free radicals, and many more. With the presence of dense LDL and/or lipoprotein-a or Lp(a), the damage can aggravate, as both of these are affected by nutritional and lifestyle changes.

3 Nutrients To Reduce The Chance Of A Heart Attack

1. PQQ

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a compound which helps the body perform a wide range of actions. It acts as antioxidant that fights off free radicals that can damage to the arterial lining.  It also has a critical role in the production of mitochondria.  PQQ helps keep the heart function at an optimal level by providing a constant supply of energy.

What makes PQQ so beneficial in terms of heart attacks is its ability to prevent new ones from occurring. Most people who have one heart attack are at higher risk of having a second, mostly due to the damaged caused by the first one.

It has been also shown to minimize the damage caused by heart attack. Hence, if you are at risk of having a heart attack supplementing with this nutrient can help one from occurring.  In case you already had one, it will prevent a new one from happening.

You can find this nutrient in most whole foods while using it in supplement form is also a good idea.  It has been found to be safe at a dose of 60mg for 4 weeks or a dose of 20mg daily over an extended period of time.

2. CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential nutrient in the body, needed for proper heart function. It is actually an antioxidant which works to prevent cellular damage. While everyone is capable of producing CoQ10, those in their 30s need to consider supplementation, too.

It has played a notable role in the production of energy and statins, which can disrupt body`s ability to produce CoQ10.  Since the heart needs great amounts of energy to function properly, lack of energy may lead to heart failure. Those taking statins should supplement with CoQ10 as well.

The most important thing regarding this nutrient is its role in preventing heart attacks. It is found within Lp(a) that can contribute to heart attacks. It works by inhibiting Lp(a) receptor, which in turn causes a reduction in its levels throughout the body.

Thanks to its antioxidant content, CoQ10 protects against damage to the arterial walls and the accumulation of plague. Those with cardiac problems have extremely low levels of this nutrient, meaning that in order to cut down the risk of heart attack, supplementation is of utmost importance. Currently, there are two types of CoQ10 on the market: ubiquinol and ubiquinone.

3. Glutathione

Glutathione is an extremely potent antioxidant that is naturally produced by the body.  As for its relationship with heart attacks, it is important to talk about homocysteine first.

Namely, homocysteine is produced in the body from an amino acid methionine. Later on, the body produces glutathione from homocysteine.

The problem occurs when the conversion of homocysteine to glutathione isn’t possible, so it stays in the body as homocysteine and wreaks havoc on the system.  The conversion of homocysteine requires vitamin B6, and it cannot be done without it.  It is worth mentioning that heart attacks patients have been found to have higher levels of homocysteine.

Hence, a proper vitamin B6 intake is extremely important to prevent heart attacks. Good sources of this vitamin include sea veggies like dulse, seaweed, and nori; whole grains, and green leafy vegetables.

Being a powerful antioxidant, glutathione should be supplemented in order to protect against damage from free radicals to the arteries.  To increase glutathione levels in the body, it is recommended to supplement with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), as taking glutathione on its own can cause it to be divided into its amino acid compounds.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com