7 unexpected reasons why you should drink your water warm, not cold

Did you know that dehydration can be the root cause of many digestive problems, constipation, joint pains, and headaches? Most people tend to spend the day forgetting to drink enough water, needed to keep the body functioning at optimal level.

Given that water makes up to 60 percent of the body, rehydrate it daily is of utmost importance. However, this doesn’t apply to cold water only! It turns out that drinking warm water has the ability to boost water`s benefits for the human body.

What Does Drinking Cold Water Do To You?

Before we go into discussing the benefits of drinking warm water (80 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit), let`s see why you shouldn’t consume only cold/cool water (45 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit).

As concluded by the review paper in European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, this is what happens when you drink cold water:

  • The blood vessels become smaller and hinder digestive abilities
  • The body finds it harder to regulate new, colder temperatures instead of working to convert food into energy
  • Creates excess mucus, increasing the chance of getting sick
  • It may solidify fats, making it more difficult for the body to digest fats

7 Reasons to Drink Warm Water

1. Improves Metabolism

Drinking warm water promotes better-functioning metabolism and much quicker metabolic rates.  The best would be to drink it in the morning along with some lemon juice, which helps boost your metabolism and jumpstart your day.

2. Improves Digestion

Drinking a glass of warm water is a good way to flush out toxins from the body.  Water at these temperatures helps break down foods and oils much faster, making it much easier for the digestive system.  In this particular case, the best time to drink warm water is right after a meal.

According to the British Homeopathic Association, having a cup of boiled water prior having a breakfast helps cleanse the stomach and improve digestion.

3. Cleans and Purifies the Blood

Storing water in a copper vessel, as Ayurvedic medicine suggests, can be extremely beneficial.  They believe that copper kills off bad bacteria and helps purify the blood.  To boost your body`s detoxification process, drink warm water out of a copper container.

However, some experts refute these claims, explaining that although copper has a wide plethora of health benefits, drinking your water from a copper bottle doesn’t affect your overall health in any significant way.

4. Fights Obesity and High Cholesterol

Warm water and lemon is particularly beneficial for diabetics.  It helps break down build-up in the arteries as well, increasing blood circulation.  It may also help regulate weight and blood sugar levels, depending on your condition.

You can also pour warm water over tea between meals. Still, the Institute for Traditional Medicine recommends drinking water this way after you have had a chance to digest the food you have eaten.

5. Eases Constipation

Constipation and bloating are often caused by dehydration. To keep your bowel movements regular, drink warm water throughout the day.  You can do this right upon waking up, too.

6. Lowers Mucus Accumulation

According to a study that investigated the effects of hot water, cold water, and chicken soup on mucus accumulation, the amount of mucus decreased in their nose, gastrointestinal tract, and throat.

This means that drinking water at higher temperatures lowers the risk of picking a virus. It also keeps mucus moving, which in turn doesn’t allow bacteria to thrive in those areas.

7. Makes You Friendlier

According to a study published in Science, drinking a hot beverage, including water, helps improve your mood.  The researchers have found that the brain processed “warmth” and the way we judge people very similarly.  For instance, those who held a hot coffee cup while looking at a ‘target’ person perceived them warmer compared to those who held a cup of iced coffee.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com