Drop Water Weight Fast and Never Bloat Again With These 8 Effective Tips

Bloating and gas are extremely inconvenient and uncomfortable, leaving you feeling like you want to explode.  To avoid the embarrassing symptoms of bloat and gas, it is necessary to rule out the root cause in the first place. Generally, it is believed that incomplete protein digestion, bad gallbladder, gut bacteria imbalance and inability to break down sugars are the most common factors that contribute to excessive gas and bloat.

Incomplete Protein Digestion:  Protein needs large quantities of stomach acid to be broken own. Hence, in case of too alkaline intestinal tract, the protein will remain intact and will then ferment, causing excessive gas, stomach bloat, heartburn, and vomiting.

Bad Gallbladder:  Gallbladder is responsible for the process of fat digestion, as it releases the proper amount of bile required for this process to be completed properly. In case of clogged and sluggish gallbladder, the person becomes prone to symptoms likes bloating after eating and other symptoms of bad gallbladder.

Gut Bacteria Imbalance:  The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to numerous bad bacteria that enter the body through water and food.  If these bacteria are left untreated for an extended period of time, they lead to bacterial imbalance, causing stomach bloat, excessive gas, and belching.

Inability to Break Down Sugars: Body`s inability to break down sugars is one of the most common causes of intestinal gas,  as the humans don’t produce enzymes needed to digest complex sugar. When they reach the intestines, they release gas and cause bloat.

8 Tricks To Debloat TODAY

1. Water

Water is the key to preventing  excessive gas and bloating, as drinking plenty of water helps flush out its stores, the body holds onto water as to not get dehydrated, dairy-based products are difficult to digest for some people, (resulting in excessive gas), and soda causes air to go to the stomach, leading to bloated stomach .

2. Stay Away from Sugar Alcohols

Sweeteners like sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol are known to cause distress in the gastrointestinal tract, causing gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea.  The body has difficulty breaking these artificial sweeteners down, which are typically found in energy bars, gum, and other processed foods.

3. Limit Salt

It is well-known fact that when eating sodium, the body retains water in order to keep the balance in the bloodstream. In order to debloat, it is recommended to limit your sodium intake, and make sure you stay below 2,500 mg of sodium daily.  Of course, don’t forget to drink plenty of water, too.

4. Back Away from the Carbs

Carbohydrate molecules attach to water in order to create glycogen, which is a form of energy. Hence, carbs serve as body`s primary fuel of energy. However, the more carbs you eat, the more water your body retains, leading to more gas and bloat.  To debloat, cut down on carbs for a few days, and swap them for veggies.

5. Chew

In some instances, it`s not about the food you eat, but rather how you eat it.  Eating habits like eating too fast or talking while eating are known to cause bloating by releasing air in the digestive tract along with the food.  To debloat, chew your food thoroughly and very slowly, allowing the food to digest properly.

6. Watch Your Fiber Intake

Fibers are key to mentioning healthy, as they ensure your digestive system is working properly and smoothly.  On the other hand, excessive fiber intake may cause bloating, as it`s difficult to digest and it`s naturally gas-causing.  To debloat, eat 20-25 grams of fiber daily along with proper amount of water to digest it properly.

7. Portion Control

Overeating is one of the major causes of bloating and gas, as it creates sluggishness and a feeling of fullness.  To debloat, make sure you eat balanced meals and control the size of your portions.

8. Be Smart Picking Your Fruits & Veggies

Some fruits and veggies create more gas and bloat compared to others.  The fruits below are highly nutritious, but are also packed with sugar alcohols which are known to cause bloat:

  • Mangoes
  • Peaches
  • Cherries
  • Grapes

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel Sprouts are also known to produce gas, due to their compound called raffinose.

To debloat, eat fruits with less sugar like oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, and blueberries. As for the veggies, choose veggies high in water like cucumber and zucchini.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com