The Chemical that Causes More Cancer and Death than Any Other Chemical

While the majority of our population believes that fluoride is a natural substance, it is actually a byproduct of aluminum and nuclear industries` of fluorine gas.  It is listed as carcinogen with the primary use of cockroach and rat poison.  According to Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, fluoride is nothing but a poison used as pesticide for mice, rats, and other pests. He warns that a 10-pound infant could be killed by 1/100 of an ounce while a 100-pound adult could be killed by 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride.

In the United States water fluoridation began in the 1950s, when the FDA found that it allegedly helped prevent tooth decay.  Currently, 75 percent of the U.S communities use fluoridated water.  However, contrary to popular belief, fluoride doesn’t protect the teeth! Multiple studies have found that fluoride causes dental fluorosis, birth defects, brain damage, and osteoporosis.

A few years ago, two stories from India showed that children are being crippled due to fluoride being added to their drinking water. Half of the population in the Indian village of Gaudiyan has bone deformities, which makes them physically handicapped.  Children are born healthy, but they start developing crippling defects after they drink fluoridated water. According to Dr. Amit Shukla, a neurophysician, the reason behind these disabilities and deformities is the fact that excess fluoride in drinking water inhibits the absorption of dietary calcium in the body.

A document called Evidence on the Carcinogenicity of Fluoride and Its Salts was recently published in the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), calling attention to the many health issues caused by fluoride consumption.

As stated by the OEHHA report, “multiple lines of evidence (show) that fluoride is incorporated into bones where it can stimulate cell division of osteoblasts [bone-forming cells],” an admission that acknowledges fluoride as a cause of bone cancer. It also notes that fluoride induces “genetic changes other cellular changes leading to malignant transformation, and cellular immune response thereby increasing the risk of development of osteosarcomas.”

Multiple studies dating back to the 1970s link fluoride exposure to thyroid and other cancers

Many studies done by Dr. Dean Burk, the former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the National Cancer Institute have linked fluoride exposure to cancer. His research that dates back to 1977 concluded that fluoride consumption contributed to the growth of thyroid follicular cells tumors in mice.

Dr. Burk also found that fluoride basically causes more human cancer than any chemical, and it does it much faster.  He goes on to explain that more people have died from fluoridation-related cancer compared to all the military deaths in the American history.

“Analysis of the results in rats showed that animals who drank fluoridated water showed: an increase in tumors and cancers in oral squamous cells, a rare form of bone cancer (osteosarcoma), and an increase in thyroid follicular cell tumors,” according to a paper by Dr. Lita Lee, Ph.D., entitled “Fluoride – A Modern Toxic Waste.”


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