Homemade Ginger Oil To Replace Pain Pills, Cough Syrup, Antibiotics And More!

Extracted from fresh ginger root, ginger essential oil is well-known for its powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and pain-relieving properties.

With its yellow color, pleasantly pungent aroma, and thin consistency, ginger oil is something you want to include in your diet immediately. So, keep reading and find out more about this oil that it is gaining popularity for the numerous benefits it possesses!

Uses of ginger oil
When applied topically, ginger oil can relieve pain and aches, and promote normal blood circulation. Due to its soothing and warming properties, ginger oil can treat digestive problems as well. Actually, this is one of the most popular uses of ginger oil: relieving any digestive problem, such as indigestion, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and morning sickness.

Composition of ginger oil
Of the 115 different chemical components found in ginger root, the therapeutic benefits come from gingerols, the oily resin from the root that acts as a highly potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Ginger essential oil is also made up of about 90% sesquiterpenes, which are defensive agents that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The bioactive ingredients in ginger essential oil, especially gingerol, have been thoroughly evaluated clinically, and the research suggests that ginger should be used on a regular basis – it has the ability to cure an array of conditions and diseases.

Benefits of ginger oil
The health benefits of ginger root oil can be attributed to its digestive, carminative, expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating and aphrodisiac properties. It’s helpful in alleviating various health problems, such as:

Stomach and bowel-related problems
Ginger essential oil is one of the best natural remedies for colic, indigestion, diarrhea, spasms, flatulence, and stomach aches. Ginger oil is also effective as a nausea natural remedy and to treat vomiting. Moreover, it is recommended for individuals who are trying to gain weight as it can increase the appetite.

Food poisoning
Ginger is an antiseptic and carminative substance. As a result, it can be used to treat food poisoning. It is also used for treating intestinal infections and bacterial dysentery.

Malaria and yellow fever
According to a study, ginger oil can repel Anopheles culicifacies mosquitoes, which are the main cause of malaria in tropical countries.

Respiratory problems
Since ginger root and ginger oil are both good expectorants, they are effective in treating various respiratory problems such as cold, cough, flu, asthma, bronchitis and breathlessness. Ginger is very effective in removing mucus from the throat and lungs, so it is often added to tea in India. The health benefits of honey and ginger in treating respiratory problems is well known.

Relieves pain
Ginger oil is analgesic in nature and reduces the pain caused by muscle aches, arthritis, rheumatic conditions, headaches, and migraines. It is also believed that regular use of ginger leads to the reduction of prostaglandins, which are the compounds associated with pain. Therefore, ginger helps in pain relief.

Heart ailments
Ginger essential oil has the power to reduce cholesterol levels and blood clotting, which can help treat heart disease, where blood vessels can become blocked and lead to heart attack or stroke.

Fight cancer cells
Ginger oil has the ability to destroy ovarian cancer cells, with higher and safer speed compared to the chemotherapy drugs, which are often given to ovarian cancer patients. It can also reduce the levels of colon and intestine inflammation, thus reducing the colon cancer risk.

How to make Ginger oil:


  • Fresh organic ginger
  • 1 1/2 cups cold pressed olive oil
  • Oven-safe bowl
  • Cheese grater

You should rinse a cup of fresh ginger, including the skin, and let dry for a couple of hours. Pour the olive oil into an oven-safe bowl. Chop the ginger then use a clean cheese grater to shred. Add to the olive oil and make sure to mix well. Put the mixture in the oven and let it simmer under low heat (150 degrees Fahrenheit) for 2 hours.
You should pour the mixture through an
 unbleached cheese cloth in order to filter it and eliminate the bits of ginger. Next, squeeze out the remaining oil from the cheesecloth and transfer the ginger oil into bottles. Make sure to keep it in a cool and dry place. You can keep the ginger oil fresh for up to 6 months.

How to use Ginger oil

  • Apply 2-3 drops in a diffuser and inhale. This will boost your energy levels and revitalize your mind, soul, and body.
  • Mix 2-3 drops in an ounce of carrier oil and use this oil for massage. It will relieve arthritis, rheumatism, backache, fractures, muscle pain, revitalize your libido and stimulate your circulatory system.
  • To treat vomiting, add one drop of ginger oil to a glass of water or cup of tea and drink slowly.
  • To relieve gas and diarrhea, apply a drop on your abdomen and gently massage.
  • To improve blood circulation and heart health, rub one to two drops of ginger essential oil over the heart twice daily.
  • To relieve respiratory conditions, drink ginger tea or add one drop of ginger essential oil to green tea twice daily.
  • Add it to your hot bath or apply a few drops on a hot or cold compress and place it on the painful areas.

Is ginger oil safe?
In general, ginger oil is safe for use as long as it is not used in very strong concentrations. Those who have sensitive skin are recommended to do a skin patch test before they decide to use ginger oil in order to find out if they have any allergic reactions to it.

Make sure not to apply ginger oil on skin areas that will be exposed to the sun within 24 hours after application because ginger oil may be phototoxic.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctors before taking ginger essential oil; pregnant women should not take more than one gram per day. Children over 2 may take ginger to treat nausea, stomach cramping, and headaches, but ask your doctor first.

source: http://www.healthiestalternative.com