How to Naturally Remove Nicotine From the Body

The nicotine that people inhale throughout the lungs gets into the bloodstream.  The average period for it to be excreted throughout urination is from 6 to 8 hours. But the problem is that the traces of nicotine are store in the body and it takes 20 to 30 hours for the body to be thoroughly cleansed from nicotine.

Vitamin C is very effective and helps a lot in the releasing of nicotine. So diet rich with vitamin C, fruits and vegetables will improve the metabolism and remove the nicotine faster.

1, 000 smokers over the age of 25 were included in a survey which lasted for 14 months. After this period passed the examiners asked the respondents whether they have smoked cigarettes in the previous months.

They came to conclusion that the individuals that consumed fruits and vegetables in duration of one month were more likely go give up smoking and to decrease the urge for nicotine which was proven with the nicotine dependency test. While the once that consumed small amounts of fruits and vegetables were more likely to go on with the smoking.

The reason why they found it easier to give up smoking is that the consumption of fruits and vegetables makes them feel sated. The signals in the brain for food and for nicotine are very similar, so the smokers very often confuse them and instead of consuming some food they take up cigarette. The raw fruits and vegetables also make the nicotine tasteless. And last but not least, the individuals who consume healthy food very often wish to have a healthier lifestyle and so they give up this unhealthy habit.

The following drinks and food will help you remove nicotine from your body:
–  Vegetables – they will make the nicotine tasteless thus make the individual give up smoking
–  Nettle – it is rich with iron which makes it great for fighting infections
–  Oranges – rich with vitamin C
–  Pine Needle Tea – good for treatment of lung diseases
–  Spinach – makes the tobacco tasteless
–  Kiwi – purges nicotine from the body
–  Water – to hydrate the body and help the body sweat out nicotine
–  Carrot juice – makes the damaged skin by nicotine look better
–  Broccoli – protects the lungs from damage
