5 Steps to an Alkaline Body For More Energy, Weight Loss and Slower Aging

The alkaline diet presented in this article is one of the simplest way to boost energy, lose weight,  get rid of inflammation, and slower aging.  The term alkaline diet or alkaline approach refers to eating and drinking things that have alkaline-forming effects on the body.  It is believed that the purpose of this approach is to change the pH level of the body, but the truth is that all it does is giving the body all it needs to maintain ideal pH of 7.365.

Eating acidity-forming foods forces the body to neutralize these acids and the damage is actually in the processing of the acids. Repeated neutralization leads to inflammation, candida, overgrowth, chronic fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion, and over-active immune system.  Feeding the body with alkaline-forming foods we give it the nutrient in needs to thrive, which in turn improves the general well-being.

Five Steps to An Alkaline pH

1.      Reduce Stress

Due to the fact that the body produces cortisol when the body is under stress, stress has huge effect on the body, even more than the food and drink we consume.  The production of cortisol is fine in stressful situations, but chronic stress and repeated cortisol production has enormous impact on the body.  Cortisol has critical role as it prepares the body for fight or flight situations. However, in doing so it disrupts the immune system responses, suppresses the digestive system, and other functions.

Yoga is a good way to relieve stress as it boosts serotonin levels, making you happier. It has been scientifically shown that regular yoga practice boosts mood and improves depression.

2.      Cut Out Excessive Acids

It is recommended to start the transition gradually by eliminating the habitual strong acids as soon as possible. Soda, sugar, processed meats, and gluten-containing grains are the worst offenders, so cutting them back gradually will eventually help your body maintain proper pH balance.  Again, instead of doing it all up at once which is a surefire way to give up, do the transition gradually.

3.      Go Green

The foods which are high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, are the most alkaline foods. According to a 2014 research published in the journal “Preventing Chronic Disease” which listed the 41 most ‘powerhouse fruits and vegetables’, leafy green foods were the top 16.

Add chard, kale, arugula, spinach, and lettuce to your soups, salads, smoothies, and juices. It has been found that people who add 4 or more serves of greens to their daily diet experience a dramatic increase in energy, vitality, and weight loss.  Taking liquid chlorophyll supplement or a powdered green drink helps a lot, too.

4.      Hydrate

Getting sufficient amount of water is of utmost importance since many health issues stem from chronic dehydration.  Although this is already well-known, many people still fail to get enough water each day. The general recommendation is 8 glasses of water daily, but unfortunately many people don’t even reach this milestone. Making it easy to remember and setting goals helps a lot, so leaving reminder notes, using alarms on the phones, or having a glass of water nearby, is a good idea.

It is recommended to start your day with a glass of warm lemon water since it promotes proper hydration and provides an alkaline effect.  Other things you can do to hit your daily quota include replacing coffee or black tea with herbal teas.

5.      Get Oiled

Most bodily functions and processes depend on omega oils, especially omega-3.  Omega-3 is an essential nutrient since the body cannot produce it alone, meaning that you need to ingest it.  Many people believe that eating fish on a daily basis is enough to get omega-3, but this doesn’t mean that it helps hit the target. It is recommended to add 2-3 tablespoons of omega-3 to your diet to boost energy, accelerate recovery from exercise, soother digesting, rejuvenate the skin, and many more.

Although supplementation is the easiest way to add this to your diet, making your own salad dressing with flax oil, walnut oil, chia seed oil, lemon, and herbs is also a good idea!

source: http://www.foodmatters.com