Breast Cancer: 90% could be prevented with this one vitamin

Given that there is a strong link between this vitamin and cancer prevention, many people believe that breast cancer is actually caused by vitamin deficiency.

Modest Vitamin D Levels May Decrease Your Risk of ALL Cancer by 77 Percent

It is a well-known fact that vitamin D works as a effective preventative measure against various diseases, including diabetes and heart disease. As for cancer, vitamin D is its worst enemy. According to various theories and over 200 epidemiological studies, vitamin D deficiency is directly linked to the onset of breast cancer.

Back in 2007, an especially significant study was completed by Joan Lappe and Robert Heaney. This study involved menopausal women who received enough vitamin D to raise their serum levels to 40 ng/ml.

These women experienced a 77% reduction in the incidence of all cancers after a 4-year period. Serum level of 40 ng/ml is a relatively modest level, while the “sweet spot” for vitamin is 50-70 ng/ml.

Could Breast Cancer Be 90 Percent Preventable, Just with Vitamin D?

Vitamin D has potent effects when it comes to breast cancer, to the extent that breast cancer is being referred to as “vitamin D deficiency syndrome”.  It is worth mentioning that nutrition, exercise, sleep, and managing stress and also important when it comes to preventing cancer.

According to Carole, 90% of breast cancer is linked to vitamin D deficiency, which is 100% preventable.

Vitamin D Can Make Breast Cancer Cells Fall Apart

Dr. Cedric F. Garland of the University of California’s San Diego Moores Cancer Center is the epidemiologist who found the strong link between cancer and vitamin D deficiency. As he explained, vitamin D affects the structure of epithelial cells in all forms of breast cancer.  Epithelial cells are kept together by E-cadherine, a substance which is made up of vitamin D and calcium and it provides structure to the cell itself.

Lack of vitamin D leads to falling apart of those cells, making them multiply, proliferate, and lead to cancer development.

If you are already diagnosed with breast cancer, the addition of vitamin D can help inhibit cancer cell growth by E-cadherin.  Once cancer growth is slowed down, the immune system starts to thrive since it doesn’t have to deal with cancer cells anymore.

Optimizing Vitamin D Reduces Your Risk of Preterm Birth by HALF

Apart from acting as strong cancer preventive measure, vitamin D also provides numerous benefits to pregnant women.  The bad news is that up to 80% of pregnant women are deficient in vitamin D.

Carol Wagner and Bruce Hollis examined the effects of vitamin D on pregnant women, giving them 4,000 IUs of vitamin D. At the end of the study, it was found that vitamin D lowered their incidence of preterm deliveries by staggering 50%.

In addition to this, vitamin D is found to improve many pregnancy-related problems, such as lowering the chances of C-section and lowering the risk of having a low birth weight baby.

It’s ALL About Your Vitamin D Blood Level

Vitamin D blood level is the most important factor as low serum level puts you at risk no matter how much vitamin D you take. The best way to know your serum level is to do a blood test regularly.

The good news is that nearly all labs have updated their vitamin D testing methods. It is recommended to do a vitamin D testing every 3-6 months, since it takes about three months for it to stabilize after supplementation or sun exposure.

The optimal level is 50-70 ng/ml.  Above 20, you are safe from rickets, above 30 your gums will be healthy, and above 40, you`ll reap its cancer-protective properties.

It is Actually Difficult to Get Toxic

Sun exposure is the best way to improve your vitamin D level. In general, you need to expose 40% of the body to the sun for about 20 minutes, between 10am and 2 pm.

When it comes to oral supplementation, aim at getting 8,0000 IU`s of oral vitamin D3 daily in order to get serum levels above 40 ng/ml.  In case you are taking oral vitamin D, make sure you boost your vitamin K2, too. Lack of vitamin D produces symptoms of vitamin D toxicity which may lead to hardening of the arteries. According to Dr. Kate Rheaume- Bleue, 150-200 micrograms of K2 daily will meet the vitamin D needs of an average adult.

Besides sun exposure and oral supplementation, you should also consume more vitamin D- rich foods. Some of the best sources of this vitamin include salmon, herring, catfish, oysters, mackerel, and sardines. Additionally, taking 1 to 3 teaspoons of cod liver oil daily as a supplement can also help boost your vitamin D levels.
