Grow Back Your Receding Gums In No Time With The Help Of These Natural Remedies

The situation of receding gums happens when the tissue of the gum around the teeth corrodes and it looks like your gums recede backwards. Then a large surface of the teeth is exposed and more visible.

When the gums go back, the space between the gum line and the teeth rises. That is perfect place for bacteria growth. Another problem that may happen is over exposure of the root of the tooth that can lead to extreme pain and sensitivity of the tooth. It will also have a negative influence over the structure and bone of the tooth that can cause losing of the tooth.


This is a very common problem and most of the people who suffer from it do not notice the problem. The reason is because the process is slow and happens gradually. Remember to check your gums if you teeth have become very sensitive. That is one of the first signs.

Another indicator is the size of you tooth: if it is larger than before then you need to treat the problem because it is a sign of receding gums.

Other symptoms may be:

  • Tooth pain/ache
  • Larger tooth than before
  • Tooth sensitivity

What causes receding gums?!

There is possibility that it is gum disease, but it also can be caused by many other reasons, including:

  • Lack of oral hygiene is important and if you skip teeth brushing and flossing you might build up plague on the teeth. That can lead to calculus which is a hard substance which can lead to gum recession.
  • Periodontal diseases means that there is bacterial infection in the gums. They cause damage to the supporting bone of the tooth and the gums, followed by other problems.
  • Sometimes you will blame the genes. In this case you cannot change a lot about your problem.
  • Hormone imbalance is another reason that leads to receding gums. This can be a huge problem especially among women. Those changes lead to more vulnerable and sensitive gums.
  • Aggressive brushing is completely opposite of brushing teeth on regular basis. If you brush your teeth aggressively then the enamel on your teeth will be destroyed and this will lead to receding gums.
  • Smoking is also a reason for receding gums because also causes many other diseases such as lung disease and cancer, but it can also cause receding gums. People, who consume tobacco in any form, can get sticky plague on their teeth more easily and this leads to receding gums.
  • Clenching and grinding your teeth will put pressure on them and this can cause receding gums. Using force to take bits while you eat may also cause the same problem.
  • This is a weird reason, but piercing your tongue or lips can also lead to the same problem.

In case you suspect that you have this problem, visit your dentist as soon as possible. Sometimes, in serious cases, doctors even recommend root planning, tooth scaling or even a surgery to repair the damage. In this article, we’re going to present you several remedies in case you want to prevent this condition and with that, avoid surgery:

  • Drink a cup of green tea every morning. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and it will lower the swelling of the gums that cause oral diseases.
  • Use Aloe Vera gel for brushing or like a mouthwash.
  • Try oil pulling. It can reduce plaque buildups and destroy the toxins present in your mouth.
  • Massage your gums using eucalyptus. It will stimulate the growth of new gums and it will prevent receding gums.
  • Use powdered myrrh. Apply it on your toothbrush and massage your gums.
  • Massage your gums using clove oil three times a day.
  • Prepare some homemade lemon oil by mixing half a cup of olive oil and a fresh squeezed lemon. Make the mixture and leave it to rest for three weeks. After this time massage, use this homemade oil to massage your gums.

You should always use proper oral hygienein order to prevent receding gums, brush your teeth along your gum line, use a soft brush, don’t use aggressive brushing, etc.  You must brush your teeth after every meal!It will help you get rid of the toxins from your mouth and body. You will flush out any germs and bacteria in your mouth which will help you prevent receding gums. Your mouth will be clean and you will stop the bacteria grow. You can also help yourself to treat receding gums with some vitamin C, calcium, zinc, coenzyme Q10 and ginkgo biloba!
