6 hidden causes of foot pain and how to get relief fast

Fractures, neuropathy, heel spurs, gout, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and Morton`s neuroma, are some of the most common culprits behind foot pain.  Getting to the root cause of the issue is the first step towards a successful treatment.

6 Causes Of Foot Pain And How To Heal Them

1. Fractures

If an x-ray diagnoses a fracture, your foot needs to be immobilized with a boot or a cast. Calcium and vitamins C and D are essential for bone repair and can help accelerate the healing process of your bones.

Additionally, proper hormone levels are also critical for bone health. If you are a man, keep your testosterone levels within the normal range, if you are a woman you would want to get your estrogen levels checked.

2. Neuropathy

Many people suffering from diabetes often experience foot pain from neuropathy. Therefore, keeping blood sugar levels in check can help manage neuropathic pain.  This can be done by eating low glycemic and plant based food while avoiding simple sugars and unprocessed foods.  Wearing supportive and proper footwear may also help manage inflammation and thus significantly decrease foot pain.

Flats and sneakers are far better option than stilettos as they don’t put unnatural pressure on the foot.  Another thing that may help heal the tissues in the foot is something called stem cell therapy.

3. Heel Spurs and Plantar Fasciitis

Although steroid injections are one of the most common treatments used to manage pain from plantar fasciitis, they weaken tissues and have to be re-used for long-term management.  Platelet Rich Plasma provides the same effect as steroid injection, only that its effect doesn’t wear off over time.

At 12 months, PRP is more effective than steroid.  Stretching exercises and joint mobilization of the foot and ankle have also managed to notably improve plantar fasciitis symptoms for up to 12 months.  As for more natural approach, consider turmeric supplementation, acupuncture, and wearing flats.

4. Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by accumulation of uric acid in the synovial joints.  Due to the standard western diet which is high in fat and protein, the prevalence of this condition is higher than ever.

Increasing fruit and veggie intake, while decreasing meat and alcohol intake may help manage the symptoms associated with gout.  Cherries are particularly effective in reducing gout attacks.

5. Tendonitis

There are total of 31 tendons in the foot, and if one of them becomes inflamed it may lead to pain. Inflammation typically helps repair damaged structures, but uncontrolled inflammation may cause more harm than good.

If you have tendonitis in the feet, wear supportive shoes and rest as much as possible.  Increase the healthy fats like omega-3 fish oils and avoid those that cause inflammation like saturated and trans fats.  Consider turmeric supplementation, too.

6. Morton’s Neuroma

Morton`s neuroma is a condition manifested by thickening of the tissue surrounding the nerves leading to your toes.  It causes sharp and burning pain in the ball of the foot, and often feels like you have a pebble in the shoe.

Surgical procedure is the most common treatment available for this condition, while manual or physical therapy may help too.  Steroid injections and supplementing with anti-inflamamtories can also help manage the pain.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com