If you think that lemons are only suitable for fighting a cold, then you are mistaken. We are here to disbelieve you: this is an excellent way to lose weight. It is easy to get rid of excess pounds in a short time, and to normalize metabolism and to improve digestion at the same time.
Lemons contain flavonoids. Flavonoids can improve digestion, it turns out that fat cells will be deposited much less. Among other things, flavonoids are struggling with free radicals, so this lemon diet also has an anti-cancer effect.
Citric acid has the ability to split already accumulated fats. Fiber is about 4.5% of the mass fraction of each lemon. This is an exceptionally plant-derived fiber, able to rid people of feelings of hunger. It turns out that you will not have a constant desire to eat something more high-calorie keeping this diet.
The lemon diet has an easy principle: you do not need to prepare it in any special way – you need to squeeze lemon juice. The diet should be kept for 14 days, therefore, even if you skip one day, you can not get the necessary result from it.
So, your meal plan can be the following:
Day 1. 1 cup of water + juice of 1 lemon.
Day 2. 2 cups of water + juice of 2 lemons.
Day 3. 3 cups of water + juice of 3 lemons.
Day 4. 4 cups of water + juice of 4 lemons.
Day 5. 5 cups of water + juice of 5 lemons.
Day 6. 6 cups of water + juice of 6 lemons.
Day 7. 10 cups of water + juice of 3 lemons.
Day 8. 6 cups of water + juice of 6 lemons.
Day 9. 5 cups of water + juice of 5 lemons.
Day 10. 4 cups of water + juice of 4 lemons.
Day 11. 3 cups of water + juice of 3 lemons.
Day 12. 2 cups of water + juice of 2 lemons.
Day 13. 1 cup of water + juice of 1 lemon.
Day 14. 2 cups of water + juice of 3 lemons.
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