Prevent And Stop The Painful Leg And Calf Cramp That Begin When You’re In Bed

What causes leg and calf cramps at night?

Only imagine that you are lying down and your lower leg seizes. This kind of pain is intense enough so to make you want to scream and it doesn’t let up and your muscle is hard to the touch. When you will try to move your leg, it kind of feels paralyzed. Does this sound familiar?

In accordance to American Family Physician, the nocturnal leg and calf cramp can affect up to 60 percent of adults and many times it is referred to as muscle spasms or charley horses, and they occur when one or more of the muscles in the leg tighten involuntarily.

Having these leg cramps most often affect the gastrocnemius muscle (calf muscle – calf cramp) which spans the back of each leg from the ankle to the knee. But, they may also affect the muscles at the front of each thigh (quadriceps) and the back of each thigh (hamstrings).

You might be awake or asleep when a leg cramp happens but most of the time, the muscle relaxes itself in less than 10 minutes. Your leg can kind of feel sore or tender for up to a day afterwards. Having often calf cramp at night can disrupt your sleep.

Experiencing leg cramps during sleep are more common among women and older adults.

How to stop leg cramps at night

These following tips are able to  help you avoid leg cramps while sleeping:

  • Consume plenty of fluids. These allow for normal muscle function and you may need to adjust how much fluid you drink based on the factors as the weather and your age, activity level, and also the medication you’re taking.
  • Ride a stationary bike.Only few minutes of easy pedaling might help loosen up your leg muscles before you go to sleep.
  • Stretch your legs often .When stretching your calves and hamstrings before bed it may be able to reduce the frequency and severity of nocturnal leg cramps.
  • Avoid some heavy or tucked-in bedding. This kind of  bedding could push your feet downward while you are asleep. Use some loose, untucked sheets, and a comforter that can allow you to keep your feet and toes upright while you are sleeping .
  • Change the sleeping position.You shall always  avoid sleeping in positions in which your feet are pointing downward so give a try to sleeping on your back with a pillow behind your knees.
  • Choose supportive footwear.Some poor footwear might be able to aggravate issues with the nerves and muscles in your feet and legs, most often and especially if you have flat feet.

Treating leg and calf cramps

Although the leg cramps at night may be intensely painful, they are actually not typically serious. Most of the people who will experience them will not need medical treatment.

So try the following at home to try to relieve a cramp:

  • Massage your legs.Rubbing this muscle that is affected may help it relax. Use both hands  so to gently knead and loosen the muscle.
  • Apply some heat.Warmth  can soothe tight muscles. Place a hot towel, some hot water bottle, or a heating pad to the affected area. Also , taking a warm bath or shower might  
  • In case  the cramp is in your calf, then straighten your leg. Flex the foot so that it is lifted to face you and your toes are pointing towards you.
  • Walk on your heels.This one can actually  activate the muscles opposite your calf, while allowing it to relax.
  • Take an over-the-counter painkiller in case your leg is sore after. The nonsteroidal and  anti-inflammatory drugs as for example  ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and also naproxen (Aleve) may help relieve tenderness after a cramp. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) might be able to work as well.
  • Drink pickle juice. The exists some evidence that suggests that drinking a small amount of pickle juice might  help relieve muscle cramps.

In case often cramps are disrupting your sleep, you should make an appointment with your doctor so they might prescribe a muscle relaxant to prevent future  cramps. If there is a reason that cramps are related to another medical condition, they can help manage that too.

Nocturnal leg cramp causes

Researchers do not really and  exactly know what causes leg cramps during night. But there are, so known factors that may increase your risk. In a good number of cases, nocturnal leg cramps are idiopathic, which in turn means their exact cause isn’t known.

In a time during night these cramps may be related to foot position because we often tend to sleep with our feet and toes extending away from the rest of our bodies, which is a position called plantar flexion.This can shorten the calf muscles, while making them more susceptible to cramping.

There are some other factors that may contribute to nighttime leg cramps include:

  • Improper sitting position. If you are sitting  with your legs crossed or your toes pointed for a long periods of time it shortens the calf muscles, which may in turn  lead to cramping.
  • Sedentary life style. Your muscles may need to be stretched regularly in order to function properly so sitting  for long periods of time could make leg muscles more susceptible to cramping.
  • Muscle overexertion. Doing a lot of exercise may create an overworked muscle and may be associated with muscle cramps.
  • Prolonged standing. These is some research that suggests that people who stand for long periods of time at work are more likely to experience nocturnal leg cramps.
  • Abnormal nerve activity. As electromyographic studies show, leg cramps are associated with some increased, and some abnormal nerve firing.
  • Shortening of the tendons. These, that connect muscles and bones, shorten naturally over time. And, it could lead to cramping in the muscles.

Having leg cramps at night are unlikely to be the first sign of a more serious medical condition. But, they are kind of associated with the following conditions:

  • pregnancy
  • musculoskeletal disorders, as for example osteoarthritis
  • some structural issues, such as flat feet or a spinal stenosis
  • some neurological disorders, as for example motor neuron disease or peripheral neuropathy
  • cardiovascular conditions, a heart disease or peripheral vascular disease
  • neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease
  • some medications, as statins and diuretics
  • kidney, liver, and thyroid conditions
  • metabolic disorders, as diabetes

How to Prevent and Treat Painful Leg and Calf Cramps that Begin When You’re in Bed


In case you’ve ever experienced leg cramps during night, you surely know how painful they can be. But, fortunately they’re usually not a sign of a serious problem. If stretching the calf and hamstring muscles before bed may help to prevent nocturnal leg cramps.

This Is Going to Happen If You Spray Your Bed with Alcohol!

We commonly use alcohol for removing adhesive substances or as a disinfectant. However, it has a number of other uses as well, one of them as an ingredient in a number of cosmetic products.


You needn’t panic in case you have forgotten your deodorant at home. All you need to do is apply some alcohol on your armpits. Doing this is going to eliminate the bacteria which causes the bad smell. Alcohol is found in your first aid kit. Nevertheless, don’t make this a habit since alcohol can irritate your skin.


It can be very troublesome to eliminate bed bugs. You can bring them with you after visiting someone whose home is not very hygienic or after vacation. Nevertheless, they can be eliminated by applying some alcohol. Take a spray bottle and spray alcohol over your mattress and pillow, and repeat this a couple of times so as to eliminate them completely.


In case you or someone close is troubled with lice, alcohol can help. Fill a spray bottle with alcohol, and add a few drops of lavender essential oil. You need to focus on your hair and scalp when spraying. Then, remove the dead lice by combing your hair.


There are a number of harsh chemicals in the usual nail polish removers and they can cause damage to your nails. Rubbing alcohol is the ideal replacement for chemical acetone. Namely, removing the nail polish will take more time, but it will prevent any damage to your nails.


Benzoyl peroxide is present in most commercial creams and ointments for acne. However, rubbing alcohol has powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which calm the affected skin, disinfect the pimples and prevent additional appearance of acne. All you need to do is apply it on the affected area directly.


Alcohol never freezes, meaning you can use it for making cooling pad. Use alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:2 and prepare a solution. Keep this solution in a plastic sealable bag and in the fridge. Leave the solution in the fridge for approximately an hour before using it.


Most people still clean their ears with cotton swabs. However, using them means that you are pressing the earwax deeper in the ears canal. Mix some white vinegar and rubbing alcohol, take a cotton swab and soak it in the solution. Next, drop it in the ear and let the earwax attach to it.


Shaving your armpits and bikini area might cause red dots on your skin. Apply some alcohol and calm any irritation and make your skin smooth.


Despite the fact that 85% of the world population are carriers of the herpes virus, the percentage of those who have experienced a breakout is small. If you are one of those people you need to apply 70% isopropyl alcohol on the area which is affected and it won’t take long until your herpes sores disappear.


Clean your eyeglasses with some rubbing alcohol. All you need to do is spray some alcohol and use a soft cloth to wipe them.


Prepare your own hand sanitizer with rubbing alcohol. Combine 4 ounces of Aloe Vera gel, a few drops of tea tree oil and ½ tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol.

14 Warning Signs Your Adrenals are Burnt Out and What You Need to Fix Them!

According to James Wilson in his book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome,

“The adrenals are known as ‘the glands of stress. It is their job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on their proper functioning.”

When the adrenal glands are overworked, they lead to hormonal imbalances and reduce cortisol levels.

It is actually a dysfunction between the brain and adrenal glands, that are located atop the kidneys and produce cortisol and sex hormones. In a state of a healthy balance, a person sleeps well, has a stable energy during the entire day, has a good sex drive, a normal body weight, and fast metabolism.

Yet, in the case of stress, the normal response of the body is as follows: it produces hormones to fight it, and the hypothalamus releases corticotropin-releasing hormone, that triggers the production of the adrenocorticotropic hormone, that in turn stimulates the release of cortisol raises the levels of blood pressure and sugar.

However, in the case of chronic stress, the levels of cortisol remain elevated, and lead to depression, anxiety, and adrenal burnout, since serotonin is depleted, and one develops a neuroendocrine dysfunction.

Adrenal fatigue disrupts normal life, and it is a set of different symptoms, like fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, and more.

Here are the most common symptoms of this condition:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Brain fog
  • Depression
  • Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea
  • Sugar and/or salt cravings
  • Anxiety
  • The “3 pm crash”
  • increased susceptibility to illness
  • Low sex drive
  • Decreased ability to handle stress, feeling frazzled
  • Insomnia or waking around 4 am, unable to get to sleep
  • PMS/hot flashes associated with menopause
  • Inability to focus

According to Wellness Mama, the symptoms of his condition can be divided into several stages, as follows:

-“Stage 1- Wired and Tired: Cortisol levels should be naturally elevated in the morning. The first stage of adrenal fatigue is often characterized by elevated cortisol at night (when it should be low), leading to a “wired” feeling at night and difficulty sleeping. People in this stage may also regularly feel “on edge”.

-Stage 2- Stressed and Tired: The second stage shows more severe cortisol disruption. People in this stage may have higher cortisol in the morning but it tends to fall quickly after lunch, leading to afternoon fog and tiredness. They may get a second wind at night, but most often wake in the middle of the night and are unable to fall back asleep.

-Stage 3- Full Burnout: This stage resembles how a person feels in early pregnancy or with a new baby at home- exhausted all the time no matter how much he/she has slept and completely burned out. Cortisol patterns in stage 3 are completely disrupted or even completely flat and this is especially risky because this stage is associated with a higher risk of thyroid disease and autoimmune disease, as well as gut problems.”

Adrenal fatigue is most often a result of emotional stress, like after an injury, divorce, break- up, a death of a close person, job loss, etc, or even positive stress, like getting married or a pregnancy. Moreover, it can be caused by a diet rich in processed foods and low in nutrients, chronic inflammation in the body, sleep deficiency, autoimmune conditions, pain or microbiome imbalance, and digestive infections.

When constantly under stress, the brain warns that the adrenals should produce more cortisol, but they cannot manage it, so one starts to crash. The cortisol levels are low, women might have irregular periods or painful PMS symptoms, thinning hair and constipation, weight gain, and slow metabolism.

In this case, many people eat less to prevent gaining extra weight, or sleep less to finish all the work, skip meals and rely on caffeine, and these habits can lead to an even more serious burnout.

Here is how to reverse adrenal burnout:

—    The first thing you should do is to do a saliva testing in order to check the cortisol levels. They should be the highest in the morning, to wake you up, and lowest at night, for you to be able to fall asleep

—    Follow a strict schedule every day, wake up and go to bed at the same time, eat every 4 hours

—    You should incorporate vegetables in every daily meal, combined with high quality, organic and fatty acid-rich protein, and increase the intake of sea salt, olive and coconut oil,  bone broth, organ meats, and raw kraut/probiotic foods. Avoid coffee, gluten, sodas, white sugar, and nightly wine

—    Support digestion with probiotic foods

—    Lower stress by using the beneficial properties of  adaptogenic herbs like maca, Rhodiola, schizandra, ashwagandha, licorice root, and holy basil

—    Sleep well every night to calm the body and mind, avoid stress, and try some relaxing activities like yoga and meditation

—    Take supplements like minerals, C, B vitamins, adaptogenic herbs, blood sugar support, and Tulsi and nettles tea

You can successfully prevent serious health issues and illnesses if you manage to reverse adrenal fatigue, and you will sleep better, look better, and be much healthier.


20 Medications That Have Been Shown to Cause Memory Loss

A modest decline in memory is a very common part of the aging process. However, impaired memory which occurs at a much younger age can be a consequence of drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, injuries on the head, lack of sleep, excessive amounts of stress, Alzheimer’s, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

According to newest studies, some prescribed medications can also impede the memory. Statistics shows that adverse reaction to drugs is one of the main causes of death in the U.S. with an estimate of 100.000 deaths per year and more than 1.5 million hospitalized patients due to experiencing side effects from prescribed meds.

Statin drugs

The ‘anti’ drugs like antispasmodics, antidepressants, antibiotics, antihistamines, etc. influence the amount of acetylcholine in the body, which is the main neurotransmitter for learning and memory.

When its levels are low, the risk of health problems like blurry vision, mental confusion, hallucinations, dementia, delirium, and loss of memory elevates. Anticholinergic drugs are known to block the effects of acetylcholine and they can have serious side effects like confusion, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating, etc.


  1. Lithium
  2. Antihistamines
  3. Steroids
  4. Methyldopa
  5. Naproxen
  6. Antidepressants
  7. Interferons
  8. Hypertension drugs
  9. Beta blockers
  10. Quinidine
  11. Insulin
  12. Benzodiazepines
  13. Medications for Parkinson’s
  14. Antipsychotics
  15. Barbiturates
  16. Epilepsy
  17. Chemotherapy drugs
  18. Antibiotics
  19. Painkillers
  20. Sleeping pills


  • You should only take these meds in previous consultation with your physician
  • If you take some of these meds, make sure you take food supplements
  • Be more physically active and lead a healthier diet


  • Unisom
  • Tylenol PM
  • Tagamet
  • Zantac
  • Sominex
  • Pepcid ac
  • Nytol
  • Dramamine
  • Claritin
  • Benadryl
  • Advil PM

According to studies, meds like Benadryl increase the chance of dementia and Alzheimer’s.


You Are Bloated. Here Are 11 Reasons And Proven Ways To Fix Them All

Bloating is so common these days it’s been called an “epidemic.”  It is an uncomfortable condition that is usually caused by excess gas production. It can be also caused by some disturbances in the movement of the muscles of the digestive system. This increases discomfort and pressure, which in turn makes the stomach look bigger.

To simplify, bloating includes excessive amounts of gas, liquids or solids in your digestive system. In some cases, bloating can be caused by increased sensitivity. You will feel an increased pressure in your abdomen, even though there is not.

Even though bloating can be caused by serious medical conditions, in most cases, it is caused by the diet and some foods you are intolerant to.

11 Ways to Reduce or Eliminate Bloating

Don’t Eat Too Much At A Time

Being full may feel like being bloated. However, your problem is that you ate too much. If you are having big meals and afterwards you feel uncomfortable, you should try small portions. In fact, many people who experience bloating do not have an enlarged stomach or increased pressure in the abdomen. In most cases, the problem is sensory.

If you are constantly dealing with bloating, you will experience discomfort from a smaller amount of food, compared to the person who rarely experiences bloating. This means that you have an increased sensitivity to food in the stomach. This is the main reason why you should have smaller meals. Chewing your food better can also be of significant help. It can reduce the amount of air you swallow with the food (a cause of bloating), and it will make you eat slower, which is related to reduced food intake and smaller portions

Rule Out Food Allergies And Intolerances To Common Foods

A great number of people experience food allergies and intolerances. When you consume foods that you are intolerant to, this can lead to excess gas production, bloating, and other symptoms.

Foods and ingredients that you should avoid:

Lactose: Lactose intolerance is related to many digestive symptoms, such as bloating. Lactose can be found in milk

Fructose: Fructose intolerance can cause bloating.

Eggs: Bloating and gas are main symptoms of egg allergy.

Wheat and Gluten: Being allergic to wheat, or intolerant to gluten (a protein in spelt, wheat, barley and some other grains) is a common condition. This can cause different digestive complications, including bloating.

Try avoiding some of these foods to find out if they are causing the problem. But if you think that you have a food allergy or intolerance, visit your doctor.

Avoid Swallowing Air and Gases

It has been shown that there are two sources of gas in our digestive system. One gas is air or gas swallowed when we eat or drink while the other one is produced by the bacteria in the gut. Carbonated beverages (soda or fizzy drinks) contain bubbles with carbon dioxide a gas released from the liquid after it reaches the stomach. Increased amounts of swallowed air can be also caused by eating while talking, eating while in a hurry, chewing gum, and drinking through a straw.

Don’t Eat Foods That Give You Gas

Some foods that are high in fiber can make you produce excessive amounts of gas. These foods include beans, lentils, and whole grains. You can keep a food diary to find out which foods make you more gassy and bloated. Fatty foods can slow down digestion and emptying of the stomach.

Reduce your consumption of beans and fatty foods to find out if it helps.

Try A Low FODMAP Diet

The most common digestive disorder is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is believed to affect 14% of people. The main symptoms include abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Most of the IBS patients have bloating. 60% of them claim that bloating is the worst symptom they experience, even worse than abdominal pain. According to many studies, indigestible carbohydrate known as FODMAPS can significantly exacerbate symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

FODMAP stands for Fermentable, Oligo, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols.

It has been shown that a low-FODMAP diet can effectively reduce symptoms such as bloating in IBS patients. A low-FODMAP diet can be good if you have problems with bloating, with or without other digestive symptoms.

Here are some common high-FODMAP foods:












Be Careful With Sugar Alcohols

Sugar-free foods and chewing gums usually contain sugar alcohols. These sweeteners are believed to be safe alternatives to sugar. However, they can lead to digestive problems. They can reach the bacteria in the large intestine, which digest them and produce gas.

Therefore, it is very important to avoid sugar alcohols like sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol.

Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements

You can use some over-the-counter products that can be of significant help. This includes supplemental enzymes that have the ability to break down indigestible carbohydrates.

Lactase: An enzyme beneficial for individuals with lactose intolerance. It can break down lactose.

Beano: It is packed with the enzyme alpha-galactosidase. This enzyme breaks down indigestible carbohydrates from certain foods.

Typically, these supplements provide immediate relief!

Don’t Be Constipated

Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems. It can have different causes. Many studies suggest that constipation can contribute to bloating. Increasing your intake of soluble fiber can be very beneficial in the case of constipation. However, people who have gas or bloating need to be very cautious since fiber can often make things worse. You can also increase your physical activity, or take magnesium supplements!

Take Probiotics

Another thing that can also cause bloating is the gas produced by the bacteria in the intestine. There can be different types of bacteria that live there and this mostly depends on the individual. According to some clinical trials, certain probiotic supplements can reduce gas production and bloating in individuals with digestive problems. Other studies claim that probiotics can only reduce gas, but not symptoms of bloating. Probiotic supplements offer many other benefits, so don’t hesitate to try them. Be patient since they can take a while to start working through! It is recommended to try kefir. It is a beneficial food that provides sustainable probiotics.

Peppermint Oil Can Help

Altered function of the muscles in the digestive tract can also be a cause of bloating. Antispasmodics are drugs commonly used for reducing muscle spasm. However, peppermint oil is a natural alternative that can provide the same effects. According to many studies, peppermint oil can effectively reduce numerous symptoms in IBS patients, including bloating.

See A Doctor To Rule Out A Chronic And/Or Serious Condition

If this problem continues, causing serious problems in your life, or it gets worse all of a sudden then you should immediately visit your doctor!

Diagnosing digestive problems can be really complicated and there may be a possibility of some chronic and serious medical condition. However, bloating is usually reduced by making some diet changes!


They Told Me To Eat Chayote For A Month, After A Week I Felt Something In My Heart That Scared Me And When I Went To The Doctor. He Told Me This …

Nature has always offered us the necessary ingredients to keep us healthy and strong. Now, human intervention and the role of science in society have made most of us resort to various treatments and conventional drugs when it comes to treating and preventing all kinds of diseases without knowing that the true solution To all our health problems, it is in nature. Today we want to talk about one of the healthiest foods for our organism. Knows all the impressive benefits of chayote for health.

Many people are unaware of the health benefits , Then we will detail them all.

As we have said before, nature always provides us with the best options when it comes to taking care of our health.

Before opting for any kind of expensive drug and sometimes also with unwelcome side effects, focus on knowing the benefits that natural foods have for your health.

Is a heaping vegetable medicinal properties, which surely even you do not know.

Pay attention to all the fabulous benefits  for health.


One of the most powerful benefits of chayote for health is that it contains soluble fibers, which are able to quickly cleanse our bloodstream, removing bad cholesterol from it.


As mentioned above, chayote contains high levels of soluble fiber , which helps to keep our intestines in perfect condition, thus freeing them from irritation, infections and problems of constipation.


This powerful vegetable contains very few calories, so it is an ideal food when it is included in a diet plan to lose weight.


This is another of the most fabulous benefits of chayote for health.

Chayote is very rich in potassium , a component that helps very effectively regulate blood pressure.


The habitual consumption of this powerful vegetable, helps to avoid the formation of clots in our bloodstream, thus preventing any type of problem or attack related to the circulatory system.


Chayote is a very powerful food when it comes to absorbing sugar in our organism and thus regulate the levels of glucose in our blood.


This is another of the most powerful benefits of chayote to consider.

This ncreíble food contains high levels of vitamin B2 and iron, components that promote to a high level the production of red blood cells, necessary action to avoid the appearance of anemia.


The chayote also contains high levels in manganese , essential component to give energy to the organism.


Chayote is perhaps one of the most powerful natural ingredients when it comes to rejuvenating and firming the skin , because it contains components such as zinc, folic acid and vitamins C and E, which act on our skin much better than Any anti-aging cream.

Now that you know all the incredible benefits of chayote for health , start to include this powerful food in your diet .


DIY Aloe Vera Hair Masks for a Healthy Hair

Healthy hair represents a beautiful personality but in these days, due to certain reasons like the usage of harsh chemical based shampoos, environmental irritants, pollution, unhygienic hair care practice due to busy schedules, stress, over usage of hair styling products, etc. most of the people are suffering from hair damages which in turn result in many hair and scalp problems.

Stop worrying about your hair damages and start using natural remedies like Aloe Vera for healthy hair growth, as natural remedies will reduce the damage and help the hair to grow strong and shiny.

Aloe vera is an amazing plant that has many effective properties used for treating skin, hair and health problems. Here in this article, we are going to know how to use aloe vera as hair masks for a healthy hair.

Natural Aloe Vera Hair Masks for Healthy and Beautiful Hair:

Before going to know about the healthy aloe vera hair masks, we should know some aloe vera properties which help for maintaining healthy hair.

  • Aloe vera has many essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C & E, zinc, iron, enzymes, polysaccharides and glycoprotein’s that stimulates the healthy hair growth.
  • It reduces the excess sebum (oil), toxins, dust, dead cells and other impurities on the hair and scalp. It also moisturizes your hair with its mucopolysaccharides to reduce dry, dull and flaky hair.
  • It exhibits an alkalizing property that restores your pH levels of the scalp which in turn prevents any microbial growth and its attack on the scalp.
  • It contains anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that remove microbes causing dandruff, relieves itching and soothes your hair.
  • It penetrates deep into the hair and scalp to condition and nourish your hair and to add volume to your hair.

Now, let’s have a look on the amazing aloe vera hair masks for healthy hair. However aloe vera gel alone is used for healthy hair but when mixed with other natural ingredients, it results in an effective relief from hair damage and promotes long and glossy tresses.

Mask – 1: (Aloe Vera with Olive Oil and Yogurt for Smooth and Shiny Hair)

Olive oil acts as an antioxidant and natural conditioner that nourishes the scalp and hair. Yogurt has a moisturizing property that adds volume and shine to your hair.

Note: Or mix 1 teaspoon each of organic coconut oil and fresh lemon juice in 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel. Apply it on the hair and massage for a couple of minutes. Rinse your hair after 20 minutes.

Mask – 2: (Aloe Vera with Lemon Juice for Hair Loss)

Aloe vera with lemon juice combination helps to provide nourishment, eliminate dandruff, removes excess oiliness, stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

  • Extract aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf and squeeze half a lemon in a bowl.
  • Pour this mix into a blender and blend it for a minute or two.
  • Apply it on your hair and scalp and massage gently for few minutes.
  • Wash your hair thoroughly after 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Repeat it regularly to prevent hair loss and to enhance healthy hair growth.

Mask – 3: (Aloe Vera with Coconut Oil and Honey for Dry Hair)

Dry hair will result in dandruff, itchy scalp, hair loss and finally results in hair damage. This is hydrating hair mask that nourishes your hair deeply and prevents dry hair.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of raw honey, 3 tablespoons of coconut oil in 4 – 5 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • Stir well and apply this mix on your hair from root to tip direction as a hair mask.
  • Leave it on for about 30 – 45 minutes and rinse off with your regular shampoo.
  • Continue doing the same process regularly to get rid of dry and dull hair.

Mask – 4: (Aloe Vera with Tea Tree Oil and Rosewater for Dandruff)

Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that fight against the microbes causing dandruff. Aloe vera has soothing properties against the itching and redness caused due to dandruff. Rosewater soothes the irritated scalp and hair.

  • Mix 5 – 7 drops of tea tree oil and 1 – 2 teaspoons of rose water (for serum consistency) in 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  • Stir well and apply it on your scalp by massaging thoroughly.
  • Let it sit for few minutes and rinse off your hair with water.
  • Do the same process for thrice a week till you get relief from dandruff and damaged hair.

Note: Or mix 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of organic honey in 1 cup of aloe vera gel. Apply it on your strands and roots and rinse off your hair after few hours.

Mask – 5: (Aloe Vera with Castor Oil and Fenugreek for Hair Growth)

Castor oil strengthens your hair roots, reduces the stress and grows your hair faster. Fenugreek contains hormone antecedents which rebuild your hair follicles and thus promotes faster hair growth.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons each of basil powder, fenugreek powder and castor oil in 1/2 cup of aloe vera gel.
  • Stir it and apply it on all over the scalp at night before bedtime.
  • Massage it gently for few minutes and leave it on for overnight.
  • Shampoo your hair in the next morning and continue doing it for once a week to get healthy hair growth.


  • Or mix 2 tablespoons each of castor oil and powdered fenugreek in 1 cup of aloe vera. Apply it on the scalp and hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it for overnight. Rinse off in the morning to promote a healthy hair growth.
  • Or mix 1/4 cup of wheat germ oil and 1/2 cup each of coconut milk and aloe vera gel in a bowl. Massage it all over your hair and scalp. Rinse off your hair after 30 – 45 minutes with water.

Mask – 6: (Aloe Vera with Egg for Hair Conditioner)

An Egg has proteins and other essential nutrients that nourish and condition your hair. Aloe vera adds shine to your hair.

  • Whip an egg in 1/2 cup of fresh aloe vera gel thoroughly.
  • Apply it on your hair and scalp and let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water and repeat it regularly as a natural hair conditioner to your hair.

Note: Or mix equal parts of aloe vera and olive oil and apply it on your hair. Rinse off with a mild shampoo after 30 – 45 minutes for deep clean conditioner and to add volume to your hair.

Mask – 7: (Aloe Vera with Hibiscus Flower for Split Ends and Damaged Hair)

Hibiscus rejuvenates your scalp, stimulate proper circulation and enhance the hair growth. This combination helps to keep your hair healthy by repairing the damaged ends and prevents split ends.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of hibiscus flower paste in 1 cup of aloe vera gel.
  • Blend it well till you get a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste on the hair as a mask and wait for 30 – 45 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water and reapply this mask regularly to get rid of split ends and also to enhance your hair growth.

Tips and Precautions:

  1. Direct application of aloe vera gel on the hair will help to treat itchy or dry scalp and other hair or scalp problems and thus nourishes your hair.
  2. Wash the aloe leaves thoroughly with water before using them for your hair treatment.
  3. Always use freshly squeezed aloe vera gel for hair treatments and if it is not available then choose organic aloe vera gel or juice available in your health or food stores.
  4. Avoid overusing lemon juice on your hair, as it lightens your hair’s color. So, replace honey instead of lemon juice to moisture your hair.
  5. Regular application of aloe vera oil on the hair will help you to get rid of many hair problems and promotes healthy hair growth.
  6. Aloe vera might cause some allergic reaction in some people. So, do some skin patch test before applying on hair or scalp and regularize its application if you didn’t find any allergic reaction.
  7. Consult your doctor if you didn’t find any relief from your hair or scalp problems.
  8. Other than using aloe vera, drink plenty of water and consume a healthy diet to promote hair growth and reduce hair problems.
  9. Pour aloe vera in your regularly used shampoos, conditioner and hair styling products before applying on your hair to reduce the damage caused to your hair.

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