Banana Ginger Smoothie Recipe To Help You Drop Those Pounds

These days you can come across numerous methods and programs claiming to help you blast fat and shed excess pound in short amounts of time. Most of them include excessive calorie restriction, supplements that cost a little fortune, and pills or techniques that may be highly detrimental to your health.

The good news is that more and more people gradually understand that such short-term solutions are not the answer. When working with patients, many doctors have put stress reduction, balanced exercise, and well-balanced diet in their focus.

The combination of banana and ginger has been shown to be extremely helpful for those trying to lose weight. They offer a wide array of health benefits on their own, and their effects are even more enhanced when combined!

Here you have a great smoothie recipe to get you started!

Banana Ginger Smoothie


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp fresh grated ginger
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseeds
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • Handful baby spinach
  • 12-16 oz. water


Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth!

Ingredients Health Benefits


According to a team of researchers at a University of Mexico, regular consumption of bananas in obese individuals led to more weight loss when compared to those who didn’t consume this fruit.

Bananas are packed with fiber and pectin, both of which promote toxin elimination and healthy digestion. They are an excellent source of energy as well, which is the reason why they are often used by athletes during a workout or for workout recovery.


According to a study conducted at a University in Egypt, regular use of ginger was extremely effective I reducing body weight while regulating cholesterol levels.

Ginger is one of the healthiest spices known to mankind. It is useful for reducing motion sickness, morning sickness, nausea, and other system of indigestion.  It has been shown that some of its constituents help regulate movements of the stomach wall.


As found by a study at a medical school in Brazil, men susceptible to cardiovascular disease noted huge benefit from taking 60 grams of flaxseed powder a day.  Those benefits included lowered blood pressure, reduced cholesterol levels, less inflammation, and weight loss.

Flaxseeds are also known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and their fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B1, and omega-3 fats content.  They are extremely beneficial for digestion and have long studied for their ability to prevent and treat cancer.


Blueberries are extremely tasty, nutritious, and also ranked as top fat-fighting food by WebMD. They are packed with fiber, water, and antioxidants which fill you up, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and fight off diseases.


According to a recent study by Lund University, thylakoids in spinach are capable of increasing weight loss by 43 percent compared to participants given a placebo. It was also noted that it notably reduced unhealthy cravings.

Bottom Line

When the body is properly nourished and given everything it needs, losing weight becomes quite easy. Instead of exercising more than you can actually handle or counting calories all the time, focus on giving your body nutrient –rich food.
