Eye-Opening Evidence: Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Can Kill Cancer

As unbelievable as it sounds, a woman with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer managed to cure herself with the help of baking soda paste only!

Kyneret Azizo, the woman`s daughter, is an eminent writer and proponent of natural remedies. Having had read numerous accounts of people who cured their skin cancer with baking soda, she urged her mother to give this alternative treatment a try.

The woman underwent three surgeries, but the cancer came back worse each time.  At that point, she decided to finally accept her daughter`s suggestion and prepared a baking soda paste right away.  She mixed some baking soda with cold pressed organic coconut oil and started applying this paste onto the cancerous spot on her head on a regular basis. What makes this paste so effective is the fact that it creates an alkaline environment in which cancer calls cannot thrive.

“I did a modification on my own, using coconut oil instead of water, because raw organic coconut oil is really efficient in the regeneration of skin cells. I mixed equal parts of baking soda and coconut oil (a teaspoon of each) in a small glass. I was stirring until the mixture became a malleable paste. I applied it on the affected area,” Azizo says.



  • Baking soda
  • Raw organic coconut oil
  • A shot glass
  • Small stirrer
  • Polysporin Triple 3 Antibiotics

Mix equal amounts of baking soda and coconut oil in the shot glass. Mix well to get a homogenous paste.  When fully combined, apply the paste onto the affected area, making sure you don’t rub it in! Leave it on as long as possible.

You are allowed to do three applications during the first week, two during the second, but make sure the place is cleaner well before each application.  It is utmost importance to apply the paste long enough, even after the wound is closed, since the roots of the basal cells tend to go deep in the skin, not only on the surface.

On the first day of the treatment, the paste should be applied twice and removed before bedtime, exposing the basal cell.  In Azizo`s case, the basal cell had began shrinking within five days.  Flaky skin appeared around the scabbed area, but coconut oil removed the dead skin cells and cleared the area. The basal cell wasn’t visible after six days and the bleeding stopped.  The antibiotic cream, which was applied at night, protected her against infection and accelerated the healing process.

The open wound was notably smaller at the end of the 2-week treatment, but she continued using both the paste and the cream. On the third week, the wound fully closed! She didn`t stop applying the paste and apple cider vinegar soaked cotton pads, and the results were more than amazing!

Being an alkaline solution, this paste worked on surface level, causing the lesion to shrink and disappear. Currently, Azizo`s mother is waiting for a biopsy to see if this has also been cleared. She is still using this treatment along with a following a healthy diet which promotes toxin removal.  She is using other healing practices too, such as meditation, acupuncture, and reiki.

“I would most certainly not go against any mainstream medicine, but I think that medical industry actually made us believe we have no power over our health, and that the solution is far beyond our reach, outlining that only money can buy health. And you would sure agree that this is absolutely false.

During the whole treatment my family witnessed how effective alternative treatments can be. It is also affordable, safe and there are no side-effects. I do not have to mention that for my family mainstream medicine is no longer number one.

I really hope that people who go through a similar struggle would finally understand that they actually have the power in their hands. You can heal yourself! No one will tell you the truth that simple and cheap methods can really help you – especially the medical industry. You must do your own research and take the power in your hands,” Azizo says.

This story is really eye-opening, isn`t it? It turns out that treating cancer naturally really might be even superior to conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com