Thinning hair? 6 science-backed fruits that could help prevent hair loss

Hair loss is one of the most common side effects of aging and is quite difficult to deal with.  As reported by the American Hair Loss Association ( AHLA),  “Male pattern baldness (MPB) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. By the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss, and by the age of fifty approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair.” And hair loss isn’t a strictly male disease. They also add that “Women actually make up forty percent of American hair loss sufferers.”

However, these staggering percentages don’t mean that everyone needs to be bald or live with thinning hair.  There are certain treatments, most of which are quite aggressive though, including laser treatments, hair restoration surgery, or transplants.  But, there are natural alternative available, which are as effective but completely safe to use.

The Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

The reasons for hair loss range from pregnancy or menopause in women and genetics to serious health issues in men.  Some of the conditions which may trigger thinning include stress, hypertension, and high cholesterol levels.

However, there is no need to worry too much about it, as baldness doesn’t happen in a matter of days of weeks.  This process typically takes about 15 years, which gives you enough time to make some lifestyle changes to reverse the condition.  For instance, adding a few fruits in your daily diet can slow down this process and stimulate hair growth!

Fruit & The Science Behind Why They Can Help Your Hair Grow Back

There isn’t cure for baldness yet as science hasn’t come up with a plan on how to trigger the follicle growing phase, which is the cause of hair loss in the first place.

As found by researchers at Columbia University, the enzyme called Janus Kinase ( JAK) is ‘suspended in a resting phase’ in the hair follicle, inhibiting growth. They have found that blocking these enzymes can trigger the hair follicle to grow robustly once more.

JAK enzymes are found in berries and other fruits. The fruits tested by the New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Researching are found to contain the highest concentration of ellagic acid, the known inhibitor of kinases. Below you have the top fruits capable of blocking the enzyme and stimulating hair growth:

6 Top Fruits For Hair Growth

1. Blackberry

Although tiny, these berries are nutrient-dense and found to be the most potent fruit for hair growth. As stated by Mercola, blackberries are packed with vitamin A, B, C, E, and K, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals like folic acid, manganese, potassium, niacin, copper, and magnesium.

Apart from its vitamins, minerals, and ellagic acid which block the hair follicle enzyme, blackberry also contains phytonutrients which help fight cancer, aging, and many neurological diseases.

2. Boysenberry

Boysenberry is a cross between loganberries, raspberries and dewberries and is known for its high levels of ellagic acid. Apart from ellagic acid, it is an excellent source of folate, manganese, and vitamin K.  It is worth mentioning that it is fat and cholesterol free, too.

3. Feijoa

Also known as Pineapple Guava, feijoa is packed with potassium, vitamin C, and saponins, compounds with strong anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering properties.

4. Pomegranate

This mouth-watering fruit can be eaten or drunk in the form of a high quality pressed juice. Apart from its ability to restore hair and stimulate its growth, it is ranked among the strongest antioxidants.

5. Rosehip

Known for its high calcium, manganese, and vitamin C content, rosehip is widely used for natural skin care. It is typically found in the form or tea blends, jams, or pure rosehip oil which can be massaged into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries have a robust nutritional profile and are packed with folic acid, potassium, vitamin C, and manganese, to name just a few.  They are highly versatile can be made into jams, used in smoothies, or freeze-dried to sprinkle on tea or foods.
