A Woman Wanted to See What Will Happen If She Eats Nothing but Bananas for 12 Days. Here is the Result!

Yulia Tarabath is a nutritionist and motivational coach. She experienced troubles to maintain her workflow, diet, and all everyday obligations at home at the same time, so she decided to do a little experiment.

We are all aware of the numerous benefits of bananas, but he experiment resolved even the deepest doubt. These fruits contain more calories than other fruits, as well as fructose, sucrose, glucose and fiber.

She decided to test the effect of the consumption of bananas to the limit she decided to eat nothing but bananas for the next 12 days. This method is also called “mono- fruiting”, and is a way of complete detoxification.

Undoubtedly, every nutritionist out there will tell you that eating one food for every meal during the day is not recommended since you won’t be able to get all the other nutrients your body needs.

However, if you are well prepared, you can still obtain positive results. This happened in the case of this nutritionist, Yulia. As she decided, she, as well as her husband, ate only bananas for 12 days. They have their own fruit garden, so they had no difficulties in preparing their meals.

Bananas, due to their high nutrient content, helped them “stay full” for a longer period of time.

At first, Yulia noticed that her digestion was improved and the stomach pains were long gone. Also, she found herself to be more focused and calm while working. Furthermore, she was more creative and active. She became more relaxed at the same time.

On the other hand, Yulia also experienced some major health improvements. Namely, she was suffering from high blood sugar, hormonal imbalance and candida before the experiment. After 12 days, she had no health issues. She also lost her excess weight.

Therefore, regarding the health benefits and weight loss which resulted from her experiment, we can conclude that mono- fruiting can be advantageous if you are prepared for it.

However, note that this experiment cannot be done by everyone since it is a really drastic change for your body and metabolism. Also, people with thyroid gland issues are advised to avoid it.

Furthermore, consult a doctor before trying this experiment.

source: http://mamabee.com