Castor Oil – solution for menstrual pain headache and many others!

Medical properties of castor oil are mainly well-known things, but the less known fact is that the wraps of castor oil may be the biggest blessing that this plant can provide.

Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of Ricinus communis, which has its roots originally from India. The development of archaeology was established that this oil was used frequently in the traditional Indian medicine, then in China, Egypt, Greece… This plant loves a tropical climate but it feels quite well also in the Mediterranean, where now is widespreaded.

Many of us have heard that castor oil is classified in a very toxic plant and this information is very much true. Castor beans contain glycoprotein, powerful poison ,,Ricin”, which is deadly even when inhaled. Now the question arises: “What is the healing?” Raw fruits are certainly not. Healing is a castor oil derived from fruit plants, because the process removes poison, and is completely safe for every kind of use, which means external and oral.

The word “safe” for oral use refers, of course, at the recommended doses, as with many other natural remedies.

For the unique healing properties of castor oil is ricinoleic acid responsible. It has a slightly irritating effect on the skin. As lining and penetrates through the skin, and that may help in the treatment of internal organs. It stimulates circulation and immune system. A scientific study published in the journal “Journal of Naturopathic Medicine” in 1997 showed that daily application of castor oil packs can increase the production of T-lymphocytes, which are the carriers of cellular immunity, therefore it’s an important link of the immune system. Moreover, ricinoleic acid is active against fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Wraps of castor oil reduce inflammation, stimulate the secretion of toxic substances, speeds up the healing of tissue. They are used for cleansing the liver, gallbladder treatment, fibroids and ovarian cysts. Then, to relieve headaches, menstrual pain, calming swollen lymph nodes. Simply apply the oil on a soaked cotton wool, gauze or cotton fabric, and press on the stomach in the area of ​​problematic organs. Over coating put a piece of non leaks material, and the whole area will be well warmed. Used cotton doesn’t need to be thrown, but next time just needs to be refreshed with new amount of oil. After some time the cotton will be saturated enough and in the next few days won’t be necessary to add a new oil capacity.

Medicinal properties of castor oil.

  • It is an excellent laxative (to treat constipation drink in the evening from half to one teaspoon, but no more than 7 days).
  • It is useful for new mothers because breast massage with castor oil stimulates milk production.
  • Massage castor oil relieves the symptoms of rheumatism, arthritis and gout, as well as the feeling of fatigue, mental exhaustion, melancholy and depression.
  • It gives excellent results in cosmetics. It is extremely useful for slowing down the aging of skin and wrinkle formation by stimulating the production of collagen and ductility. In addition, it hydrates and cleanses the skin.
  • It stimulates the growth of hair, eyelashes and nails, and with regular use it removes dandruff.
  • Castor oil removes warts if no more than twice a day is well rubbed with a few drops of oil. The process is repeated until the wart does not dry out and fall off.
  • Castor oil should not be drink by pregnant women, people with inflammation of the kidneys, stomach pains or any intestinal infection.