How To Apply Coconut Oil Properly To Remove Dandruff And Stop Hair Loss!

Coconut oil is a well-known natural remedy that offers numerous health benefits. It is mostly used as a natural beauty product, but it can boost your health as well. Today we’re going to show you how to use the oil to eliminate gray hair and prevent hair loss.

Coconut oil has been used as a beauty and health remedy for centuries. It has been used as a remedy for numerous cosmetic problems such as gray hair and hair loss. Coconut oil can be used to prevent health and cosmetic problems without putting our health at risk. It can hydrate our hair and take care of the skin on the scalp, while also boosting our hair growth.

One of the best benefits of coconut oil is its healthy fat content. These healthy fats can improve the health of your scalp and hair and have antifungal and antibacterial properties that can relieve numerous problems. Coconut oil is a great remedy for hair loss while also promoting the pigmentation of your hair. Here’s how to prepare and use the oil:


  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sage oil


Mix both ingredients well, then boil the mixture until you get a homogenous mixture. Once you’re done, take the pot off heat and leave the mixture to cool down before use.

Apply a bit of the oil on your hair before going to bed, but remember to wear a shower cap to prevent stains on your sheets. Leave the oil to work overnight, then wash your hair as usual in the morning and you will notice results after only one try. Repeat the process once a week for best results. Additionally, you can rub a few drops of the oil on your hair and leave it to act for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with water. This will brighten your hair and make it smoother, but make sure to apply the oil only on your hair ends in order not to make your hair too greasy.

Besides improving the quality of your hair, coconut oil can also eliminate dandruff. Just apply some on your scalp and massage it in nicely, then leave it to work for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Repeat the process every time you wash your hair to remove the dandruff.

By using coconut oil on your hair regularly, you will take advantage of all its health benefits. Try the oil yourself and you will be amazed by the results! Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share!
