7 Benefits of Drinking Carrot Juice Your Body Will Feel Almost Instantly

Apart from being sweet, carrots are extremely nutritious, healthy, and healing too. Juicing them is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reap their benefits.


1.      Carrot Juice Promotes Healthy Digestion

Although good digestion is typically associated with having a good poop, no bloating, and no gas, healthy digestion is much more important.

Healthy digestion is needed for the proper absorption of nutrients. Regular consumption of carrot juice encourages the secretion of digestive juice, helping the body benefit from macro and micro nutrients you eat.

Additionally, the fiber found in carrots feed good gut bacteria, controlling bad bacteria and keeping them in balance.

2.      Carrot Juice Can Improve Your Eyesight

Carrots keep the retina healthy due to their beta-carotene and lutein content. These days, keeping the eyes healthy is of utmost importance since we are constantly glued to screens like laptops, computers, video games, smartphones, and tablets.

3.      Carrot Juice Regulates Your Blood Sugar

Although carrot juice is naturally sweet, it actually has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It is abundant in carotenoids, which provide antioxidant properties and lower blood sugar level.

4.      Carrot Juice Can Help Your Skin

Being rich in vitamin A, carrots protect damaged cells and keep the skin properly hydrated.  This means that regular consumption of carrot juice eliminates wrinkles, lines, psoriasis, and other skin condition while leaving the skin rejuvenated and glowing.

5.      Carrot Juice Can Give You A Healthy Glow

Apart from providing you with youthful skin, carrot juice also detoxifies the body and thus makes the skin cleared and brighter. Interestingly, it even gives you a slightly orange complexion, making you look suntanned during the winter.

6.      Carrot Juice Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Carrot juice is an excellent source of potassium, a mineral which is known to lower bad cholesterol as well as of fiber, which is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

7.      Carrot Juice May Prevent Cancer

Carrotenoids found in carrot juice are rich in antioxidant properties which keep several cancer types at bay, including colon, cervix, bladder, and larynx cancer. The Gason Therapy, which is based on the consumption of carrot juice, seems to work as a powerful cancer treatment.

Carrot-Apple Juice


  • 2-3 carrots ( peeled)
  • 1 Granny Smith apple (or apple of your choice)
  • 1 inch ginger (optional)


Put all the ingredients in a juicer and process well.

Green Carrot Juice


  • 3 – 4 carrots (peeled)
  • 2 stalks of dinosaur kale (or other kale)
  • 1 inch ginger
  • 1 lemon (peeled)
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ apple (your choice, but Granny Smith or other non-sweet apples are the best)


Process all the ingredients through the juicer.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com