18 Amazing Ways Avocado Can Change Your Life!

If you are not fan of avocados, you are indeed missing out a lot! In case you are indulging on them on a regular basis, the ultimate guide to its health benefits will make you fall deeper in love with them!

18 Avocado Uses

Here are the 18 ways in which avocado will change your life, keeping your health at optimal level!

1. Packed With Nutrients

Avocados are packed with 20 vitamins and minerals which are of utmost importance for good health and optimal body function. One avocado contains 53 percent of the RDI of vitamin K, 41 percent folate, 33 percent vitamin C, 28 percent potassium, 26 percent vitamin B6, 21 percent vitamin E, and 19 percent copper.

2. Source of Fats

Most people consider avocados to be extremely fattening. However, its fats are good (monounsaturated), meaning that they are completely safe to ingest. As an added bonus, they help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body.

3. Weight Management

Not only is a great source of fat, but avocado has been shown to prevent hunger when eaten along with your healthy meals.  If you often reach for snacks afternoon, add avocados to your diet and you will feel much less inclined to snacking.

4. Diabetes Prevention

Whine only an estimate, diabetes will affect 40 percent of Americans at certain point in their life. The good news is that there are a few things that can be done to lower the risk of this disease; one of which is keeping the blood sugar levels stable.

According to a study in which a group of subjects ate lunches with avocado and the other without, those who had eaten avocado exhibited no increase in their blood sugar levels.

5. Reduce Cholesterol

Avocados play critical role in unclogging arteries! It has been scientifically shown that eating avocados on a daily basis helps improve blood cholesterol, lowering bad cholesterol and improving the good one.

6. Fight Inflammation

Most modern diseases, including arthritis, heart disease, asthma, and allergies, stem from chronic inflammation.  Oleic acid has been found to lower inflammation in multiple studies, and is found in high quantities in avocados. Hence, avocados prevent damage to artery walls, which then lowers the risk of heart disease.

7. Pain Relief

Avocado extract has been shown to reduce arthritis symptoms, and thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, inflammatory-related pains and aches could be notably reduced by adding it to your diet.

8. Control Blood Pressure

A diet high in sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension).  In addition to limiting your sodium intake, potassium ( found in avocados) can also go a long way in diminishing the effects of sodium and thus controlling your blood pressure levels.

9, Nutrient Absorption

Did you know that you can eat all fruits and veggies and still be failing to reap the full benefits of the their vitamins and minerals? The reason behind this is the fact that our intake of nutrients depends on our ability to absorb them.

Adding avocado to a salad boosts the ability to absorb any fat soluble nutrients found in the rest of the ingredients, including vitamins A,D and E as well as many antioxidants.

10. Eye Health

Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that are critical for combating macular degeneration- one of the leading causes of blindness in Americans today.

11. Improve Brain Function

Avocados contain about 20 percent of the RDI for copper, a mineral that acts as brain stimulant. In addition, this mineral has been associated with innovative and creative thought processes.

12. Boost Mood

Healthy fats present in avocados help increase endorphins and raise dopamine levels. Therefore, regular consumption of this fruit boosts mood and helps prevent any mood swings.

13. Energy Boost

The same healthy fats release energy in the body during the day.  Adding avocado to your breakfast or lunch increases energy levels, slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, and prevents sugar crash that typically follows later on.

14. Vital Nutrients For Expectant Mothers

Folate is of utmost importance for the development of the fetus, particularly the development of the baby`s spinal cord, bones, and brain. Pregnant women can eat avocados as great source of folate, vitamins B6 and C, and potassium.

15. Improved Immunity

Those who are getting sick frequently should make avocado part of their daily diet. Vitamin C boosts

the immune system while B vitamins help combat infection and illnesses.  To keep sickness away, load up on avocados as they contain all three defense-strengthening vitamins.

16. Improved Digestion

Avocados are packed with many essential components, including fiber. One avocado contains about 54 percent of the RDI of fiber, which is critical for the digestive system.

17. Strong Bones

The health of our bones depends on various vitamins and minerals, including copper, folate, and vitamin K. Amazingly, avocados are full of all of these three!

18. Healthy Skin And Hair

Avocados can actually provide the same results as the expensive hair products offered on the market and marketed as the latest ‘beauty secret’.  As an added bonus, avocados are more natural, healthier, and safer to use.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com