Smokers or Past Smokers: Six Ways To Cleanse and Revitalize Your Lungs

Did you know that even former smokers who gave up this habit very long time ago still have traces of lung damage?

One doesn’t necessarily have to be a smoker to be prone to some level of lung damage. As a matter of fact, the industrial pollution, vehicular exhaust fumes, and even second-hand cigarette smoke, makes people exposed to the nanoparticles which contribute to experiencing lung damage.

Therefore, regardless of whether you were once a smoker or have never puffed on tobacco, cleansing and revitalizing your lungs is still of utmost importance for you.

It is worth mentioning that contrary to the popular belief, lung damage is not irreparable. Proper care and nourishment can repair the damaged lung tissues.
Different do-it-yourself detox and regeneration methods

1.      Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes refer to staying away from artificial sweeteners, excess sugar, GMOs, high fructose corn syrup, junk, and processed foods. To reduce excess mucus, you should limit your wheat, dairy and meat intake as well as to add onion, ginger, cayenne, and garlic in your diet.

You should also exercise more, preferably away from traffic. It is recommended to practice certain breathing techniques in order to strengthen the lung tissue, such as yoga.

2.      Eliminate household toxins that are part of detergents, cleansers, bleaches and chemically scented “air fresheners”

Opt for chemical free alternatives which can be found in most health foods stores, even in Target.  Always use aluminum free deodorants!

All commercial pesticides release gasses or vapors which are irritating to the lungs, meaning that they must be eliminated as well.

3.      Improve your indoor air

The indoor air can be even worse than outdoor air. Replace carpeting with other type of flooring or vacuum on a regular basis.

Replace the store-bought air cleaners with natural ones or get indoor plants which purify the air and remove toxins.

4.      Herbal remedies for lung issues

There many herbal remedies for lung issues available and you only need to find out which one works for you.

For instance, antitussive herbs reduce respiratory spasms; antimicrobial herbs treat infections; demulcent herbs soothe irritated tissue, and expectorant herbs loosen the mucus.

Licorice root combines all the aforementioned characteristics. However, it contains glycyrrhizin, a compound which may cause adverse effects for some people. The good news is that there are licorice root extracts available whose glycyrrhizin content has been removed.  They are known as DGL licorice!

Lobelia, also known as Indian tobacco, allows easier breathing by clearing the airways and it helps in case of an asthma attack.

5.      Detoxification

Detoxing is crucial for any type of regeneration or rebuilding. In this case, it refers to the reducing of toxic load which helps relieve the immune system and stimulate the growth of new tissue.

You should incorporate foods like cilantro and chlorella in your diet as they promote detoxification and elimination of heavy metals from the liver. Raw zeolite (powdered) is very beneficial as well.

Moreover, drink plenty of purified fluoride free water and try to sweat as much as possible, such as by using a sauna or engaging in some physical activity.

6.      Serrapeptase enzymes

These potent enzymes have the ability to eat up scar tissue, hardened mucus buildup, or calcified tissue.