What The Placement Of Acne On Your Face Says About The Health Of Specific Organs

Did you know that the face is the mirror of your body`s state? Given the fact that skin issues, such as acne, redness or dry patches can be directly linked to the health of specific organs, face mapping has become an effective tool to determine internal health issues and address them appropriately.

What Is Face Mapping?

Face mapping is a time-tested method of diagnosing certain diseases. It originates from Ayurvedic medicine and it is known as a non-invasive method of treating various health conditions.

This practice is based on the idea that skin`s health is directly linked to an organ of the body, meaning that observing the skin, especially the face, can help you pinpoint the health of certain internal organ.

Diet And Lifestyle Face Mapping

Your face can tell a lot about your inner health, from smoking to hormonal imbalances. For instance, externally-induced health issues, such as stress, may lead to breakout on the skin.


  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Puberty
  • Poor circulation
  • Stress


  • Bacteria build-up from cellphones or dirty pillows
  • Excessively touching your face
  • Smoking

Chin, Jaw and Neckline

  • Candida
  • Excess starchy foods
  • Hormones
  • Processed sugars

Face Mapping By Organ

The list above will help you determine the diet and lifestyle culprits, but pinpointing the location of breakouts has been proven to be directly linked to specific internal organs as well. Therefore, the list of diet and lifestyle acne-provokers is the first step while locating the specific organ involved is the next step.

Forehead:  Toxin buildup, dehydration and poor digestion

Solution: Drink plenty of water and green tea to neutralize toxins and get rid of the build-up.

T-Zone: This zone is directly connected to the liver. In case you have acne in this area very often, it may indicate liver dysfunction. As a matter of fact, alcoholics with liver damage are known to develop acne on the nose.

Eyes: This area is linked to the kidneys, so having dark under-eye circles may indicate malnutrition, dehydration, and poor kidney function.

Upper Cheeks: They are connected to the lungs and skin issues affecting the upper cheeks are indicators of inhaling polluted air.

Lower Cheeks: Acne on this area indicate poor dental hygiene.

Solution: Brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis and avoid sugary foods and drinks.

Nose:  The nose is connected to the heart and redness, acne or swelling on the nose indicate hypertension.

Solution: Reduce salt intake and consume more heart-healthy fruits and veggies.  

Chin: Last but not least, the chin is linked to the small intestine and the function of the digestive system.

Solution: To keep the digestive running properly, you need to follow a healthy diet and make some lifestyle changes.

source: http://besthealthyguide.com